Thursday, January 18, 2007

Woman Pastors? Sacrilege!

This post is dedicated to you, asshole, for your very earnest attempts in cogitation. But, I’d advise, for your sake, STOP! Too much thinking and the agitation thereby might cause the few tiny, deformed grey cells to explode inside the hollow cavern propped on your neck.

Those who watch (or flick through) the GOD channel, would be familiar with Joyce Meyer, the firebrand lady, preaching the word of God towards the noble cause of proselytization. I am not in agreement with the banalities that she utters on TV, I am quite emphatically not on her side in the matters of religion and God. And according to an online article which puts forth extremely enlightened views on whether a woman should be allowed to preach the word of God, Joyce Meyer is blatantly disobeying 1 Timothy 2:12 specifically. Now look at my predicament, first of all she preaches and substantiates the pressing need for ghost worship to save my soul, and to compound that, she has encroached into the purely male territory of preaching bullshit!!! Wonly men are allowed to do that, you.. you woman!

The article in question (written by the asshole to whom the post is humbly dedicated) points out the sacred passage from 1 Timothy 2:12. “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man”. Now what can I say to that, it being the holy word and all!

This is followed up by a woman believer who holds a direct pass to heaven.

She says “1 Timothy 2:11 Let a woman learn by listening quietly and being ready
to cooperate in everything. But I do not allow a woman to teach or to have
authority over a man, but to listen quietly, because Adam was formed first and
then eve. And Adam was not tricked, but the woman was tricked and became a
sinner. But she will be saved through having children if they continue in faith,
love and HOLINESS, with self control.

I am a woman..If God wanted woman
to preach i believe he would have made woman first to be the head of a man..but
instead we were created for mans pleasure...and men were created for GODS we as women need to keep in mind GOD loves a virtuos
woman..knowing our reason we were created will not only allow us to step aside
and allow GODS work to be done, but will allow it to be done in order. God is
not the author of confusion...But gives us his wisdom”

I am truly appalled by such ignorance and lack of self worth. Even among prawn scum, guy prawn scum are better than girl prawn scum?

I have just three words to say to these losers. Shove it up!

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